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- 海底捞🍅番茄主题挑战赛已开启🔥周边免费拿!
- 注意:去之前记得和门店确认活动,别白跑一趟哦!
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活动介绍: 还有谁没参加呢! 北美海底捞番茄锅口味升级~ 超萌周边等你来抢! 发箍、包包、抱枕、手机支架等限时送👉绕口令挑战赛咱能怕? 快快快! 约上3-5好友速来挑战吧🔥
Tommy's tomato thought tamed tom-toms,though Tim's trim tomatillos tied tighter twine on the tomtit's tint toe. Too tantalizing tomatoes tumbled down the trodden trail today, as the torrid tempest tossed the tangled tendrils of the tomato plants. Try Telling that ten times, tongue tied or not!
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最新评论 3
:这个积分是怎么算的啊消费 一块钱算一分吗