
一、常用的基本句型 正式/非正式
1. 称呼
Formal / Neutral:
- Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs Dupuis,
- Dear Mary,
- Hi/Hello Mary,
- Mary, ...
- (or no name at all)
2. 续前文
Formal / Neutral:
- Thank you for your email of ...
- Further to your last email, ...
- I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now.
- Thanks for your email.
- Re your email, ...
- Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been really busy.
3. 陈述理由
Formal / Neutral:
- I am writing in connection with ...
- I am writing with regard to ...
- In reply to your email, here are ...
- Your name was given to me by ...
- We would like to point out that ...
- Just a short note about ...
- I’m writing about ...
- Here’s the ... you wanted.
- I got your name from ...
- Please note that ...
4. 提供信息
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m writing to let you know that ...
- We are able to confirm that ...
- I am delighted to tell you that ...
- We regret to inform you that ...
- Just a note to say ...
- We can confirm that ...
- Good news!
- Unfortunately, ...

5. 添加附件
Formal / Neutral:
- Please find attached the file (we discussed/you requested, etc)
- I’m sending you ... as a pdf file.
- I’ve attached ...
- Here is the ... you wanted.
6. 询问信息
Formal / Neutral:
- Could you give me some information about ...
- I would like to know ...
- I’m interested in receiving/finding out ...
- Can you tell me a little more about ...
- I’d like to know ...
- Please send me ...
7. 提出要求
Formal / Neutral:
- I’d be grateful if you could ...
- I wonder if you could ...
- Do you think I could have ... ?
- Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
- Please could you ...
- Could you ...?
- Can I have ...?
- I’d appreciate your help on this.
8. 作出承诺
Formal / Neutral:
- I will ...
- I’ll investigate the matter.
- I will contact you again shortly.
- I’ll ...
- I’ll look into it.
- I’ll get back to you soon.

9. 提供帮助
Formal / Neutral:
- Would you like me to ...?
- If you wish, I would be happy to ...
- Let me know whether you would like me to ...
- Do you want me to ...?
- Shall I ...?
- Let me know if you’d like me to ...
10. 结束语
Formal / Neutral:
- Thank you for your help.
- Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further information.
- Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is ...
- Thanks again for ...
- Let me know if you need anything else.
- Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is ...
11. 问候和署名
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m looking forward to ... (+ ing)
- Give my regards to ...
- Best wishes
- Regards
- Looking forward to ... (+ ing)
- Best wishes to ..
- Speak to/see you soon.
- Bye (for now)/All the best.

1. 引入
I am writing ...
- in connection with my order FS690 which arrived this morning.
- to complain about the quality of a product I bought from your website.
- to complain about the poor service we received from your company.
- to draw your attention to the negative attitude of some people in your customer services section.
2. 提出不满
- Our order dated 16 September clearly stated that we wanted 1,000 items, however you ...
- The goods were faulty / damaged / in poor condition.
- There seems to be an error in the invoice /a misunderstanding.
- The equipment I ordered has still not been delivered, despite my phone call you last week to say that it is needed urgently.
- The product I received was well below the standard expected.
- To make matters worse, when I called your company staff ...

3. 要求
- Please replace the faulty goods as soon as possible.
- We must insist on an immediate replacement / full refund.
- Unless I receive the goods by the end of this week, I will have no choice but to cancel my order.
4. 结尾
- I hope that you will deal with this matter promptly as it is causing me considerable inconvenience.

1. 称呼和问候
- Dear Sir/Madam
2. 陈述理由
- With reference to your advertisement on the ... website, I am interested in applying for the position of...
3. 自我介绍
- I am currently studying for a degree in ... at ... University.
- For the last two months I have been working as a ... at ... .
4. 关于职位
- I am interested in this job because ...
- I feel that I would be well-suited for this job/have a lot of experience in ...

5. 添加简历
- I have attached my CV as a Word document.
- From the attached resume you will notice that I...(have experience in..., worked on a project in..., did a major in...)
6. 结束语
- I would be grateful if you would consider my application.
- You will see from my CV that two people can be contacted as references, one is ... and the other is from ... .
- I am available for interview in .../ by phone any weekday afternoon, and you can email me or telephone me on the number below.
7. 结尾问候
- I look forward to hearing from you soon.
- Yours faithfully (通常用于无具体人名抬头Dear Sir/Madam的信件结尾)
- Yours sincerely(通常用于有具体人名抬头Dear Mr James/Dear Ms Jasmin 的信件结尾)

1. 陈述理由
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m writing to arrange a time for our meeting.
- What time would be convenient for you?
- Just a quick note to arrange a time to meet.
- When would suit you?
2. 提出建议
Formal / Neutral:
- Could we meet on (day) in the (morning) at (time)?
- How about (day) at (time)?
- Are you free sometime next week?
3. 加深解释
Formal / Neutral:
- I would be able to attend the meeting on Thursday morning.
- I’m out of the office until 2pm.
- Any time after that would be fine.
- I’m afraid I can’t manage next Monday.
- I’m free Thursday am.
- I won’t be around until after lunch.
- Any time after hat is okay.
- Sorry, can’t make it next Monday.

4. 确认细节
Formal / Neutral:
- I’d like to confirm ...
- That’s fine. I will call/email you tomorrow to confirm the details.
- Thursday is good for me.
- That should be okay. I’ll get back to you if there’s a problem.
5. 作出更改
Formal / Neutral:
- This is to let you know that I will not be able to attend the next meeting next Thursday.
- I wonder if we could move it to ...?
- I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Re our meeting next week, I’m afraid I can’t make Thursday.
- How about ... instead?
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
6. 结尾问候
Formal / Neutral:
- I look forward to meeting you in Brussels.
- Let me know if you need to change the arrangements.
- See you in Brussels.
- Give me a call if anything changes.
1. 作为客户

- We met last Thursday on your stand at the Munich Trade Fair.
- I am emailing you off your website, which I found through Google.
- We are a manufacturer / supplier / provider of ... We are interested in ...
- We are a Turkish company exporting to the EU, and we need ...
- We would be grateful for some information about ...
- Please send us information about your product range and prices.
- In particular, we would like to know ...
- Please send full details of your prices, discounts, terms of payment and delivery times.
- Could you also say whether there is any minimum order.
- An early reply would be greatly appreciated.
- I look forward to an early reply, and am sure that there is a market for your products here in Hungary.
2. 作为供应商

- Thank you for your email of 4 June inquiring about ...
- We can quote a price of ... CIF / FOB Istanbul.
- We can delivery by ... (date) / within ... (period of time)
- The goods will be shipped 3 days from receipt of a firm order.
- We can offer a discount of ... on orders over ... .
- We require payment by bank transfer / letter of credit.
- Our normal procedure is to ...
- Our normal terms for first-time customers are ...
- We can supply the items you require directly from stock.

- I am attaching a document that gives full details of ...
- I am attaching our current catalogue and price list as a pdf file.
- You will see that ...
- You will note that our line of .... is on special offer.
- You will also note that ... Our experience in this field includes ...
- We dispatch the goods within 24 hours of a firm order, and for first-time customers our minimum order is $ 1,000.
- I am afraid that model is no longer available. However, ...
- We feel sure that ... May I suggest that I call you at your convenience to discuss the matter further?
- If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. My direct line is...
3. 下订单(客户)

- Thank you for your recent email, and we accept your quotation. Our completed order form is attached, and we give full bank details below.
- Please acknowledge receipt of this order.
4. 确认订单(供应商)
- Your order has been received.
- We can confirm that your goods have been shipped.
- You can track shipping details on our website.
- Due to exceptional demand these items are temporarily out of stock. We hope to be able to ship your order within ... days and will keep you fully informed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- We are confident that the goods will meet your expectations. Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by email or phone.
5. 支付要求
初次提醒 I
- We are writing concerning a payment of $12,600 for invoice number KJ678 which is now overdue. A copy of the invoice is attached.
- According to our records, the sum of $4,500 is still outstanding on your account.
初次提醒 II
- Please send a bank transfer to settle the account, or an explanation of why the balance is still outstanding. If you have already dealt with this matter, please disregard this email.
- We could appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter as soon as possible.
再次提醒 I
- On (date) I wrote to you regarding your company’s unpaid account , amounting to $4,500. May we please remind you that this amount is still outstanding.
- I wish to draw your attention to my previous emails of (dates) about the overdue payment on your account. We are very concerned that the matter has not yet receive your attention.

再次提醒 II
- We need a bank transfer in full settlement without further delay.
- Clearly, this situation cannot be allowed to continue, and we must ask you to take immediate action to settle your account.
- If you have any queries on this mater, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation.
最终提醒 I
- Following my emails of (dates) I must inform you that we have still not received payment for the outstanding sum of $4,500.
- I wrote to you on (dates) regarding the balance of $12,600 on your account. I attach copies of both emails. This sum is now two months overdue. We are very concerned that the matter has not yet received your attention.
最终提醒 II
- Unless we receive payment within seven days, we shall have no alternative but to take legal action to recover the money.
- In the meantime, your existing credit facilities have been suspended.
6. 表达歉意

- I am writing in relation to your recent complaint.
- I was very concerned to learn about ... Please accept my sincere apologies.
- I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have suffered.
- We appreciate that this has caused you considerable inconvenience, but we cannot accept any responsibility in this matter.
- Can you leave it with me? I’ll look into the matter and get back to you tomorrow.
- I have looked into the matter and ...
- I have spoken to the staff involved, and ...

- To compensate for the inconvenience, we would like to offer you ...
- Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Please accept my assurance that it will not happen again.
- Once again, I hope you will accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused.
- I very much hope you will continue to use our services in the future.
- If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on my direct line...

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