地区 | 摄像头位置 |
Newmarket | Davis Drive and Ashton Road / Carlson Drive
Bayview Avenue and Mulock Drive |
Aurora | Wellington Street West / Wellington Street East and Yonge Street
Bathurst Street and 18th Sideroad/St. John's Sideroad |
East Gwillimbury | Green Lane East and Leslie Street
Davis Drive and Woodbine Avenue Green Lane East and Main Street North / 2nd Concession |
Georgina | The Queensway South and Metro Road South / Morton Avenue
Ravenshoe Road and Warden Avenue Woodbine Avenue and Ravenshoe Road |
King | Bathurst Street and King Road
Dufferin Street and King Road Keele Street and King Road |
Whitchurch-Stouffville | Bloomington Road and Woodbine Avenue
Bloomington Road and Ninth Line Bloomington Road and Kennedy Road |
Richmond Hill | Highway 7 and Yonge Street connecting road
Highway 7 and Bathurst Street Connecting Road Bayview Avenue and Crosby Avenue/Redstone Road Elgin Mills Road and Enford Road / Yorkland Street Stouffville Road and Bayview Avenue Yonge Street and Jefferson Forest Drive / Tower Hill Road Highway 7 and Red Maple Road |
Markham | 14th Avenue and Birchmount Road
Warden Avenue and Carlton Road / Baycliffe Road Woodbine Avenue and 16th Avenue Woodbine Avenue and Steelcase Road Warden Avenue and 14th Avenue |
Vaughan | Highway 27 and Langstaff Road
Highway 7 and Vaughan Valley Boulevard / Roybridge Gate Highway 7 and Islington Avenue Keele Street and Doney Crescent / Jardin Drive Keele Street and Kirby Road Pine Valley Drive and Willis Road / Chancellor Drive Rutherford Road and Sweetriver Boulevard Weston Road and Rowntree Dairy Road / Colossus Drive Weston Road and Rutherford Road Highway 7 and Weston Road Highway 7 and Jane Street Islington Avenue and Rutherford Road |
在数据显示执法部门大幅降低超速行驶速度后,约克地区正准备扩大其自动超速摄像头,包括在 Mulock Drive 上的 Newmarket High School 周围超速行驶 12 公里/小时。
6 月 16 日,区域委员会全体委员会授权继续使用这些摄像机,并为它们建立行政处罚制度。市议会还批准在 2022/2023 年增加两台摄像机,额外费用为 250,000 加元。
工作人员提供的数据显示,摄像头降低了他们使用的每条道路的平均运行速度,并且提高了限速合规性。平均而言,执法后速度下降了 9 公里/小时,限速合规性提高了 28%。
该地区于 2020 年 11 月开始了为期两年的试点,在学区附近的几条区域道路上进行自动超速执法,以解决超速问题。工作人员表示,他们计划在未来继续扩建,计划从 2024 年到 2026 年再安装 60 台摄像机。
目前该地区有 10 个摄像头,其中只有一个位于位于 Fairbank Road 以东靠近 Newmarket High 的 Mulock 的 Newmarket,从早上 7 点到下午 5 点限制为 50 公里/小时,否则为 60 公里/小时。执法开始后,该地区发现平均车速从 68 公里/小时升至 56 公里/小时。这些摄像头还将限速合规率提高了 26%,从 16% 提高到 42%。
工作人员表示,自动行政处罚系统可能使该计划能够完全收回计划成本。该计划的费用预计将在 2023 年达到 300 万加元,随着摄像机数量的增加,到 2026 年将达到 1800 万加元。
来源:newmarkettoday 封面:KIBOCK DO on Unsplash