Effective as of January 1, 2023, the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”) prevents non-Canadians from buying residential property in Canada for 2 years.
Key Highlights
The Act defines residential property as buildings with 3 dwelling units or less. This includes semi-detached houses and condominium units. The Act doesn’t prohibit the purchase of larger buildings with 4 or more dwelling units.
Non-Canadians can purchase residential properties located outside of Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) and Census Agglomerations (CA).
Certain exceptions apply allowing Non-Canadians to purchase a residential property in defined circumstances.
If a non-Canadian, or anyone who knowingly assists a non-Canadian, is convicted of violating the prohibition, they will have to pay a fine of up to $10,000. Additionally, a court can order the sale of the residential property.



1. 持工签只要有购买日期(签合同日期)签证效期剩余183天以上,并且未购买其他房产可在加拿大购买房产。不再需要在加拿大时间年限,报税记录。
2. 民用(Residential)和混用(Mixed)空地可被非加拿大公民/PR购买。用途不限。
3. 上市公司,即使被非居民控股仍可购买房产。
4. 非上市公司,非居民直接或者间接占股从最多3%涨至10%。

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