前两天收到邮件,丝芙兰back to beauty活动,从Aug13开始到Sep06结束,持续四周,每周的活动都不同。具体如下👇
Week One
🌟Aug 13--15: 买两件产品,10%off
(online and in-store)
🌟Aug 16--19: 购物满$60, 赠一件免费产品,估计是15ml面霜的中样。(in-store only)
Week Two
🌟Aug 20--22: 购物满$75, 赠10件套护肤sample bag。(online and in-store)
🌟Aug 23--26: 购物满$60,赠免费礼物一份,可能是化妆刷。(in-store only)
Week Three
🌟Aug 27--29: 购物满$35, 赠9件套护发类sample bag 。(online and in-store)
🌟Aug 30--Sep 02: 购物满$60,赠一件香水类产品,可能是Q香。(in-store only)
Week Four
🌟Sep 03--06: back to school sale, 最高50%off 折扣。
Aug 19--29:兑换750 points, 可得10%off.
兑换1000 points, 可得15%off.
最新评论 8
回复 @今天又在剁手:对噢,是4件,只能找点便宜的凑件数了。